Tuesday, July 17, 2012


I've not written much about the children here despite spending the majority of my days with them. I think mostly because I cannot allow myself to look at them as victims. I know them as the kids that they are in the present. I do my best to just be present, and not think of the circumstances that brought them to this place. Every once in a while though, the kids will cry in such a way that reminds me. I remember Lynne always saying how differently children grieve, and how a scrape of a knee cry can quickly turn into a I miss my family member cry. I am pretty sure I've heard this cry now. The sound is haunting.


  1. Annnnd this gave me this chills. Thankfully they have people like you looking out for them. XOXO

    (Despite signing in as myself it still says I'm TC...idk... <3 Nicole)

  2. You're an awesome human being Titi...
