Monday, May 28, 2012

One Week In

I've been in Uganda for a little over a week. It feels like I've been here for much longer. Perhaps because the other interns had been here for a few weeks when I arrived, there has been less time for adjustment and more encouragement for diving right in. Victoria, the head of Bright Kids is a mastermind. I wish she would teach all things international development. She gets it in every aspect and it is amazing to see it in practice and not just in theory.

I feel like we've done so much this past week. The Florida State interns are building a health clinic for the orphanage and we visited another health clinic to get some ideas of supplies and things we will need.  There is 1 doctor and 1 nurse assistant who do everything. It is crazy to think how much is outsourced in the US. The doctor does all of the lab work as well as regular GP stuff, minor surgery, and labor and delivery.  The picture below is some dude named Stanley. I'm not totally sure what he does there, but he told me how he is a faith healer on the side and blessed me in Luganda and told me I was in for a miracle. We were also blue polo twins. Win.

We also went to a parent teacher assembly this weekend. I hadn't met the girls who went to the school yet, so it was a bit odd to think I'd be representing the 'parent' portion. The meeting was very US-like in the together we will make a difference aspect. The starting over an hour late and running for 3 hours aspect was definitely very Ugandan. And exhausting.  I was excited to meet the girls. When we got home we got to hang out with these guys.

1 comment:

  1. You look like the happiest camper there, prima. And, the children actually look happy. I'm glad you're playing a part in brightening their lives & giving them some hope for the future...
